Wow! I just popped into my blog and realized how long it has been since I entered anything. I guess time got away from me. Well, here is some things on a trip to Arizona Judy and I took.
Judy and I love Arizona and found that we needed to go somewhere for a while where there was not piles of snow. It was really nice when we got to Phoenix, but we were amazed to see people walking around in stocking caps and jackets! I guess it is all in what you are used to. We arrived in Arizona on January 19th. If you remember it was well below zero in Wisconsin. But, when we got to Arizona the temperature was in the 50s and 60s most of the time. To me that is pretty nice.
Judy and I rented a place in a quite area just south of Sedona. It was very nice but much smaller then we took last time. We had a giant bedroom and a comfortable kitchen where we were able to enjoy the best meals of the week. Eating out just never holds up to Judy's cooking. We had everything we needed there including wireless internet, satellite TV and a huge whirlpool that was well maintained and comfortable. Our bedroom had a large king sized be that was comfortable to sleep in. The night was so quiet that it was almost deafening. The quiet was so loud we slept late every morning.

Waking to a comforting whirlpool and coffee was a plus every day.

It was nice just to spend some time with Judy and be lazy about every day. We did have several good hikes in the beautiful red rock around Sedona. Take a look at our photo album for lots of neat pictures from our hikes.
We also took a fantastic tour of the Red Rocks by helicopter. It was exciting and worth every penny of the cost. Check out the photo album to see some of the great pictures we were able to get from the air.

We spent almost a full day on the Verde Canyon Railroad in a first class car. The ride was great and the scenery stunning! There was an open car where you could stand and take photographs, so I took two pictures of everything!

We found there was so much to do we had to find time to relax. Well, we did do pretty good at relaxing and neither of us put pressure on the other to do anything in a hurry. It was just a real relaxing time in weather where we did not have to put on three layers of clothing to step outside.
If you would like to take a look at our pictures, just click on the slide show at the beginning and end of this blog, or follow this link.
Until soon!