David and the Leprechaun
Thanksgiving 2007
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My Thanksgiving proved to be very fun and interesting. Judy took a trip to San Fransisco, so I had my first Thanksgiving to myself in 32 years. So I was off to my sister Anne's house right after work on Wed where I spent the night. I was surprised by the weather on the way down because it suddenly started to snow. I found I could only see a short distance in front of me. The highway of course was really busy because of the holiday and I was giving thought to stopping and waiting out the temporary blizzard. About the time I was looking for a place to stop, suddenly it stopped snowing and the weather was only cold, windy and miserable. So, I pressed on. The snow proved to be interesting because sometime during the evening someone suggested that we build a snow man. So, we all put on our coats and went out to build a snowman. Most of the work was done by the women (no comments needed here) as they dragged snow off anything that it accumulated on, they developed a neat snowman that was about three feet high. Yes, a leprechaun snowman!
It was then off to an exciting game of "balderdash". I was teamed up with my sister and we ended up winning the game. Yeah team!
I then went to bed and was wakened by a bunch of noise in the downstairs. At first it sounded to me like just banter, but I came to realize that it sounded serious. My niece was walking into the kitchen when she found that there was a man trying to breaking into the kitchen window. She got a pretty good description though. He was short with a cap and he was Mexican, Asian or white. (OK, that may be a bit thin!) He ran away when she started screaming "He was looking right at me, he was looking right at me". The police were called and as they searched the area I commenced to fall asleep on the couch. By that time it was way past my bedtime, so most of the conversation from then on is a blur. I think this guy should be on the "stupid criminal" list trying to crawl into a window where there are people walking around and three people sitting in front of an open window watching TV. Maybe the guy was just hungry? I am convinced he was just after my bottle of "3 Moose" wine.
Our Thanksgiving day was great made even greater by a Packer win over Detroit. Jeremiah and Katie joined me on Thanksgiving day, so the whole family was there except for Judy.
I have included some pictures on my site which can be accessed here. There are no pictures of the burglar. I was going to do a drawing of him, but I was stumped how to make up a Mexican, Asian white guy with a cap.
It was a wonderful day full of love and food. Thanks to everyone who did the work to make for a great meal and wonderful time!

Our Leprechaun snowman